Keyboard Controls:

W,A,S,D movement

J - Light attack

I - Heavy attack

O - Grab

P - Special move

Enter - Start

Gamepad Controls:

D-pad movement

X  (Square) - Light attack

Y (Triangle) - Heavy attack

B  (Circle) - Grab

A (X) - Special move


- When both players grab at the same time, a throw break occurs

- When two heavy attacks collide, they cancel out

- Each match is a best of 5 rounds

- Hold back to block!

The optional theme I used was "Block"

The arcade mode AI is not the best... Play versus mode with friends if possible!

Sorry if you encounter bugs, I did not have much time to playtest.


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I included an arcade playthrough with all 4 character in a LRJ highlights vid. 

That's so cool man! thanks for the feature. I'm sorry for the jank and bad balance you encountered 🤣

Watching your gameplay was so helpful. There are a lot of oversights and weird interactions I missed during testing. It's clear that you have experience playing fighters. Thanks again!


Nice variance between character in spite of the similar movesets. Thanks for making the AI slightly competent. :)

Haha slightly competent is an accurate description. Thanks a lot for trying it out!